Raman technology is based on the interaction of light with the chemical bonds of the target materials to produce a “chemical fingerprint” that, while highly specific, has very low intensity. To amplify these weak Raman signals, Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) uses patterned nanometallic substrates that create surface plasmon resonance that significantly enhances the Raman signal, typically by over a million-fold. The result is a surface that provides both high intensity and high specificity for SERS detection of trace amounts of chemical and biological materials. To date, use of high-performance SERS substrates has been limited due to high manufacturing costs, poor repeatability, and background contamination.
Recognizing the need for improved SERS substrates, we have utilized our existing proprietary nanofabrication technology to develop a library of analyte-specific SERS substrates that overcome all these limitations.
Benefits of MicroContinuum's SERS Substrate Series
Applications of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates

Pharmaceutical Development

Chemical Threat Screening

Narcotics Detection

Environmental Contaminant Detection

Food Quality Analysis